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| Climate Change Tower Meteorological Data (D2 - 30 minutes average)
| The Climate Change Tower Integrated Project (CCT-IP) represents the guide lines of the italian research in the arctic and aims to study the interaction between all the components of the climate system in the Arctic. The Amundsen-Nobile Climate Change Tower (CCT) is the key infrastructure of the project, and provides continuous acquisition of the atmospheric parameters at different heights as well as at the interface between the surface and the atmosphere.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_id (Id of the station in the TimeSeries)\nlatitude (latitude position of the station, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude position of the station, degrees_east)\ntime (Mean Date, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nTemperature_average_at_33m (average of air temperature measurements at 33m, degree_C)\nTemperature_standard_deviation_at_33m (standard deviation of air temperature measurements at 33m, degree_C)\nTemperature_n_values_at_33m (number of measurements every 30 minutes of air temperature at 33m)\nTemperature_average_at_10m (average of air temperature measurements at 10m, degree_C)\nTemperature_standard_deviation_at_10m (standard deviation of air temperature measurements at 10m, degree_C)\nTemperature_n_values_at_10m (number of measurements every 30 minutes of air temperature at 10m)\nTemperature_average_at_5m (average of air temperature measurements at 5m, degree_C)\nTemperature_standard_deviation_at_5m (standard deviation of air temperature measurements at 5m, degree_C)\nTemperature_n_values_at_5m (number of measurements every 30 minutes of air temperature at 5m)\nTemperature_average_at_2m (average of air temperature measurements at 2m, degree_C)\nTemperature_standard_deviation_at_2m (standard deviation of air temperature measurements at 2m, degree_C)\nTemperature_n_values_at_2m (number of measurements every 30 minutes of air temperature at 2m)\nRelative_humidity_average_at_33m (average of relative humidity at 33 meters above ground level, %)\nRelative_humidity_standard_deviation_at_33m (standard deviation of relative humidity at 33 meters above ground level, %)\nRelative_humidity_n_values_at_33m (number of measurements every 30 minutes of relative humidity at 2m)\nRelative_humidity_average_at_10m (average of relative humidity at 10 meters above ground level, %)\nRelative_humidity_standard_deviation_at_10m (standard deviation of relative humidity at 10 meters above ground level, %)\nRelative_humidity_n_values_at_10m (number of measurements every 30 minutes of relative humidity at 10m)\nRelative_humidity_average_at_5m (average of relative humidity at 5 meters above ground level, %)\n... (36 more variables)\n
| cct_meteo_d2
| public
| Climate Change Tower Radiation Data (D2 - 30 minutes average)
| The Climate Change Tower Integrated Project (CCT-IP) represents the guide lines of the italian research in the arctic and aims to study the interaction between all the components of the climate system in the Arctic. The Amundsen-Nobile Climate Change Tower (CCT) is the key infrastructure of the project, and provides continuous acquisition of the atmospheric parameters at different heights as well as at the interface between the surface and the atmosphere.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_id (Id of the station in the TimeSeries)\nlatitude (latitude position of the station, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude position of the station, degrees_east)\ntime (Mean Date, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nShortwave_downwelling_radiation_average_at_33m (average of shortwave downwelling radiation at 33 m from CNR1, W m-2)\nShortwave_downwelling_radiation_standard_deviation_at_33m (standard deviation of shortwave downwelling radiation at 33 m from CNR1, W m-2)\nShortwave_downwelling_radiation_n_values_at_33m (number of measurements every 30 minutes of shortwave downwelling radiation at 33 m from CNR1)\nShortwave_upwelling_radiation_average_at_33m (average of shortwave upwelling radiation at 33 m from CNR1, W m-2)\nShortwave_upwelling_radiation_standard_deviation_at_33m (standard deviation of shortwave upwelling radiation at 33 m from CNR1, W m-2)\nShortwave_upwelling_radiation_n_values_at_33m (number of measurements every 30 minutes of shortwave upwelling radiation at 33 m from CNR1)\nShortwave_upwelling_radiation_average_at_25m (average of shortwave upwelling radiation at 33 m from CM11, W m-2)\nShortwave_upwelling_radiation_standard_deviation_at_25m (standard deviation of shortwave upwelling radiation at 33 m from CM11, W m-2)\nShortwave_upwelling_radiation_n_values_at_25m (number of measurements every 30 minutes of shortwave upwelling radiation at 33 m from CM11)\nLongwave_downwelling_radiation_average_at_33m (average of longwave downwelling radiation at 33 m from CNR1, W m-2)\nLongwave_downwelling_radiation_standard_deviation_at_33m (standard deviation of longwave downwelling radiation at 33 m from CNR1, W m-2)\nLongwave_downwelling_radiation_n_values_at_33m (number of measurements every 30 minutes of longwave downwelling radiation at 33 m from CNR1)\nLongwave_upwelling_radiation_average_at_33m (average of longwave upwelling radiation at 33 m from CNR1, W m-2)\nLongwave_upwelling_radiation_standard_deviation_at_33m (standard deviation of longwave upwelling radiation at 33 m from CNR1, W m-2)\nLongwave_upwelling_radiation_n_values_at_33m (number of measurements every 30 minutes of longwave upwelling radiation at 33 m from CNR1)\nLongwave_upwelling_radiation_average_at_25m (average of longwave upwelling radiation at 33 m from CG4, W m-2)\nLongwave_upwelling_radiation_standard_deviation_at_25m (standard deviation of longwave upwelling radiation at 33 m from CG4, W m-2)\nLongwave_upwelling_radiation_n_values_at_25m (number of measurements every 30 minutes of longwave upwelling radiation at 33 m from CG4)\nShortwave_net_radiation_average_at_33m (average of shortwave net radiation at 33 m from CNR1, W m-2)\nLongwave_net_radiation_average_at_33m (average of longwave net radiation at 33 m from CNR1, W m-2)\nTotal_net_radiation_average_at_33m (average of total net radiation at 33 m from CNR1, W m-2)\nShortwave_albedo_at_33m (average of shortwave albedo at 33 m from CNR1)\n
| cct_radiazione_d2
| public
| Climate Change Tower Soil Temperature Data (D2)
| The Climate Change Tower Integrated Project (CCT-IP) represents the guide lines of the italian research in the arctic and aims to study the interaction between all the components of the climate system in the Arctic. The Amundsen-Nobile Climate Change Tower (CCT) is the key infrastructure of the project, and provides continuous acquisition of the atmospheric parameters at different heights as well as at the interface between the surface and the atmosphere.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_id (Id of the station in the TimeSeries)\nlatitude (latitude position of the station, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude position of the station, degrees_east)\ntime (Mean Date, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nSoil_temperature_average_at_5cm (average of soil temperature at 5 cm under the surface, degree_Celsius)\nSoil_temperature_standard_deviation_at_5cm (standard deviation of soil temperature at 5 cm under the surface, degree_Celsius)\nSoil_temperature_n_values_at_5cm (number of measurements every 30 minutes of soil temperature at 5 cm under the surface)\nSoil_temperature_average_at_10cm (average of soil temperature at 10 cm under the surface, degree_Celsius)\nSoil_temperature_standard_deviation_at_10cm (standard deviation of soil temperature at 10 cm under the surface, degree_Celsius)\nSoil_temperature_n_values_at_10cm (number of measurements every 30 minutes of soil temperature at 10 cm under the surface)\n
| cct_soil_d2
| public
| Climate Change Tower Soil Temperature Data (D2)
| The Climate Change Tower Integrated Project (CCT-IP) represents the guide lines of the italian research in the arctic and aims to study the interaction between all the components of the climate system in the Arctic. The Amundsen-Nobile Climate Change Tower (CCT) is the key infrastructure of the project, and provides continuous acquisition of the atmospheric parameters at different heights as well as at the interface between the surface and the atmosphere.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_id (Id of the station in the TimeSeries)\nlatitude (latitude position of the station, degrees_north)\nlongitude (longitude position of the station, degrees_east)\nrowSize (Number of Observations for this TimeSeries)\ntime (Mean Date, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nSoil_temperature_average_at_5cm (average of soil temperature at 5 cm under the surface, degree_Celsius)\nSoil_temperature_standard_deviation_at_5cm (standard deviation of soil temperature at 5 cm under the surface, degree_Celsius)\nSoil_temperature_n_values_at_5cm (number of measurements every 30 minutes of soil temperature at 5 cm under the surface)\nSoil_temperature_average_at_10cm (average of soil temperature at 10 cm under the surface, degree_Celsius)\nSoil_temperature_standard_deviation_at_10cm (standard deviation of soil temperature at 10 cm under the surface, degree_Celsius)\nSoil_temperature_n_values_at_10cm (number of measurements every 30 minutes of soil temperature at 10 cm under the surface)\n
| zhigyy